It has been sixty years since the Study association “De Veetelers” was founded. In the year 1962, of course, no one could have imagined that the association would grow to such a size. For example, the Study association “De Veetelers” has become an integral part of Wageningen. As one of the largest and most active Study associations in Wageningen, the association is committed to a lot. Education and leisure activities therefore go hand in hand.
At the time of its foundation, eighteen fanatical students came together to set up Study association “De Veetelers”. The aim of the establishment was mainly aimed at improving education. At that time, a deposit of two guilders had to be made to become a member. The administration involved in this was noted in a cash book that still exists to this day. Entirely handwritten with graceful letters, all details are noted.
Nowadays the association has become too big to be described in a handwritten cash book. The association currently has almost 500 members who are active in 27 committees and 6 sub-associations. As a result, many interesting and fun activities are organized throughout the year. Some examples of this are excursions, sports activities, study trips, parties and much more. All these active members and activities contribute to a student life that will not be forgotten.
It is not only the members who have made it possible for the association to grow to such a size. Many others have been involved in this, such as; honorary members, teachers, employees of Wageningen University and agricultural companies. This involvement has and will always be appreciated by “De Veetelers”.
Studying is a must
Partying is a joy
"De Veetelers" makes you aware of both