In the past years, study association “De Veetelers” has developed into one of the biggest and most active study associations within the student-society in Wageningen. A lot of people have contributed to this. Members, committees, sub-associations and the Board have all contributed and are still contributing to the growth of our association. We can be really proud of this, we achieved a lot in the past years.  Next to students, the association received help from other people. People that invested their time, money and energy voluntarily into our association. This enormous dedication has proved to be an invaluable benefit for our association. Our members don’t always know the work these people did, which is a pity. To change this, it was decided to establish the honorary membership. This title is being assigned to people that have contributed to the development of our association on a structural basis.

Mr. Buis 

Mr. Reinoud Buis was our study coordinator from 1987 until 2005. Out of that function, he guided many students during their study. Next to that he cooperated closely with our association on the field of promotional activities of our study. Students praised his way of feeling the students’s problems, everybody was welcome to speak about their problems.

On the 27th of August 2017, Reinoud Buis unfortunately passed away at an age of 73 years.

Mr. Egberts

As Director Department Animal Sciences mr. Egbert Egberts took care of all kinds of financial aid coming from the Department. He also arranged several facilities, which we still use today, like the telephones, Veetelers- and Lustrum chamber and such. Because of the good cooperation with mr. Egberts, we can still use Zodiac and all its facilities. He gave our association a real home.

Mr. Groen

Mr. Ab Groen was active in our association during his student time. He was one of the founders of RFS in 1984 and was Chairman for one year. After his graduation he started working in the chair group ABG, from that function he guided many students. At that time, he wanted to actively involve students in the education. After becoming Head Education of Department Animal Sciences, he brought that to practice. The education had some major changes coming up, he wanted to know the opinion of the students and use it for the changes. Together with students he made the education as it is now.

Mr. Politiek †

In March of 2009 we introduced our new, seventh honourable member; mr. Rommert Politiek. He was very important for the foundation of our study association. He came to Wageningen in 1960 as a professor in livestock breeding and he had a lot of interest to communicate with the students. He organised a weekly meeting with students, which was every week very busy. This was the beginning of our beautiful study association "De Veetelers".

At 22 December 2014, Rommert Politiek unfortunately passed away at an age of 87 years.

Mr. Raaijmakers

Mr. Jos Raaijmakers has been our contact person with Nutreco (one of our main sponsors) from 1980 until 2006. In that position he offered us plenty of possibilities next to the contractual duties of Nutreco. He also offered his worldwide network to open doors to speakers, excursions etcetera. He also guided a few committees, like the Almanakcie. And last but not least, he always spoke to other sponsors to point them on their responsibilities against our association.

Mr. Swinkels

Mr. Han Swinkels is active in the agricultural sector as a consultant for the government, commercial companies and research institutes. After obtaining his MSc in Animal Sciences at Wageningen University, Mr. Swinkels received his PhD degree at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. When he returned to the Netherlands, he worked at WUR Livestock Research until 2003 as researcher. During his time as a student at Wageningen Mr. Swinkels has been a member of study association "De Veetelers" where he has been a member of the Social Eveningcie. Years later he got involved in the Social Eveningcie again with the organization of a debate course. As chairman of the NZV from 2003 to 2008, Mr. Swinkels intensified the contacts between the NZV and "De Veetelers”. With his role of chairman of a symposium contact with "De Veetelers" was further strengthened.

Mr. and Mrs. Verstegen

Mrs. Mariet Verstegen is since the 10th Zoötechnical Almanak patroness of the Almanac. Together, mr. Martin and mrs. Mariet Verstegen gave financial guarantees at big activities, like the Stunt during our Ninth Lustrum. Next to that they have supported our association on every possible manner, during periods that it didn’t go so well. During his life as professor at the chair group Animal Nutrition, mr. Verstegen has been closely involved with our association, by using his contacts with the businesses in agriculture and its scientific world to search for sponsors and speakers for symposia etcetera. They incidentally even gave shelter to students if they didn’t have a room at the start of the academic year.

Ms. van de Pas

Mieke van de Pas has been active at our study association for years now. Mieke works within the cattle sector at De Heus Voeders. Mieke has been active at “De Veetelers” as treasurer at the Cattle Breeding Study Club (RFS) in 2011 and as President of The Board in 2013. She is proud of the farmers and is willing to pronounce this via BIG Challenge (foundation representing the agricultural sector and collecting money for cancer research, red.) and Boeren van Hier (concept to increase awareness about food, red.). Mieke mentioned that she would like to help students by strengthening the connection between companies and students.

Mrs. Gianotten

Natasja Gianotten has been actively involved with the association for years. Natasja herself studied Animal Science in 1986, during which she has been very active in her student days at "De Veetelers". She has been part of the Board and participated in various committees, such as the ROC, ROK, Promcom, and Ouderdagcie. Besides her studies, Natasja remained involved in the animal sector. Her interests mainly lie in animal nutrition, but she has also worked extensively in the insect branch. In addition to her work, Natasja has remained highly involved with "De Veetelers"; in March 2009, she was appointed as the patroness of the association. Since 2023, she has been assisting our almanac committee for already 15 years, to create a beautiful book for the association every year. As a token of appreciation for her dedication and expertise so far and in the future, Natasja was appointed as an honorary member in April 2024.