Study association "De Veetelers", is the Study association for students Animal Sciences and some related master studies. In and outside Wageningen "De Veetelers" are known as the biggest, most fanatic and most active Study association.

The Study association consist out of 20 committees and 6 sub-associations. The activities and the enthusiasm of the concerned members cause the success of the Study association. A lot of members frequently join committees and sub-associations during excursions or as board member of a sub-association or committee.
An executive committee, consisting out of 7 persons leads the Study association. For a year these seven enthusiastic students put their time and efforts in running the Study association. This executive committee contains of: a president, a secretary, a treasurer, two education commissioners (I for the Bachelor and II for Master) who are occupied with educational issues, an internal information commissioner who works together with the committees and an external information commissioner who keeps contact with the world outside Zodiac.
Another function of the executive committee is to fulfill a representative function. In our suit or polo The Board often visits receptions, Almanac ceremonies, executive committee switches of other study associations in Wageningen, professors and employees of Zodiac.
Every two weeks at Tuesday afternoon at 12.30 h the weekly members meeting is organised, called rigro. This meeting is open for every member of the Study association. During the rigro all the things concerning the Study association "De Veetelers" that are important are discussed. You can think of educational subjects, financial businesses, proposals, etc.

You can contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Daan de Kort (President)
Dieuwke Dillingh (Secretary)
Fleur Gorissen (Treasurer)
Chantal Koolen (Education Commissioner I)
Wendy Scholten (Education Commissioner II)
Nienke Buist (Commissioner Internal Affairs)
Kim Wijnbergen (Commissioner External Affairs)