Hi everyone,

My name is Wendy Scholten and I am 21 years old, and I’m currently in the first year of the Master Animal Sciences. I come from Balkbrug, a small village near Zwolle and I’ve loved animals since I was a little girl. Since my parents have a pig farm, I’ve always been surrounded by animals, not only with pigs but also with rabbits, cats, dogs and horses. Because I wanted to become a vet but wasn’t accepted, I started with the study Animal Sciences. I really liked the bachelor and even now that I finished the Minor, I’m planning on combining Animal Sciences with Veterinary medicine. Besides studying, I like to draw, Netflix, crochet, or hang out with friends. I like to be busy, be it with committees or with my studies and now of course with the board and education. I always try to get the most out of my time as a student in this way and hope that as Education Commissioner II, I will get the chance to improve the program, where necessary, so that everyone can get the most out of their time as a student of Animal Sciences.

Kind regards,
