DEC stands for Direction Educational Committee, as the name already states DEC is the education committee of "De Veetelers". DEC consists of approximately eight students of different years (BSc and MSc) who are committed to improving education. DEC has a lunchmeeting every other week on Monday afternoon. In such a meeting, subjects such as course evaluations (PaCe), thesis surveys, PC-AS proposals, and suggestions / complaints from students about educational matters are discussed.


The opinion of DEC, and therefore also yours, will be communicated in the monthly PC-AS meeting. The specializations of the Animal Sciences program are represented in the PC-AS, together with five student members, three of whom come from DEC. During the rigro, the most important developments from the PC-AS are discussed every month. You will find a Program Committee (PC) for every educational programma, because it is required by law. To keep everyone well informed about everything that is going on in the field of education, a report is published every month in 'De Veeteler' under the heading "Educational Affairs". Since 'De Veeteler' can also be found on this website, the state of affairs of Animal Sciences education is accessible to everyone. This piece is therefore a must for anyone who wants to follow the developments!


Of course, students can always turn to one of the DEC members if they have questions or complaints about educational matters. Despite the serious nature of this committee, the atmosphere during and around the meetings is always very pleasant. So, if you think this committee is something for you, please feel free to contact one of the persons below or send an email to DEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 DEC also has a tutoring network for and by students. We have seen that there are few or no possibilities at the university for extra help with the subjects where you may need it. We are always looking for students who want to tutor or, of course, who want to receive tutoring. Our question to you is therefore:


Do you know or are you someone who can use tutoring?

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Are you someone who wants to help fellow students out by providing tutoring?

Fill in this link or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will let you know when a student needs your tutoring.


In this way, we will bring people into contact with each other.

Lieke de Brouwer (Onderwijscommissaris I)
Reza van Welie (Onderwijscommissaris II)
Eline de Boer 
Eline Reinders 
Danique Janssen  
Hannes Hamann
Fenna van Heijst 
Gitte van Empel