Education is important, but what in life is even more important? Enjoying life is the answer you are looking for. This is done by celebrating life with friends and beers. The Akcie is the committee that organizes these parties for all Veetelers. For example, within “De Veetelers” we have a famous statement that reads as follows: “studying is a must, partying is a pleasure, the Akcie makes "De Veetelers" aware of both”.
The Akcie is responsible for organizing all kinds of parties, but also the First Year weekend. In this weekend the “sjaars” get to know our association, but also each other. After a weekend of parties and activities, people hope to be able to call themselves a true Veeteler. And in doing so, we hope to have warmed up the freshmen a bit to be present at the countless great parties.
Think of these parties as the intro BBQ and party, which turned out to be an overwhelming success. But also think of the classic Biercantus, where students sing songs and drink beer. The small integration party is organized to integrate members of different study associations and to maintain relationships with other study associations.
Every year the Akcie has a new polo with a different colour, by which we can be recognized as committee members. This year the colour mint has been chosen. Don't be shy to tap us and start a chat. Of course, Akcie organizes its activities not only for drinking and partying, but also to maintain social contacts within the Veetelers. It is perhaps the easiest way to make a name for yourself at “De Veetelers” and thus make contacts for later in the business world.
Are you curious about what happens at an Akcie meeting? Let's give an example without revealing all the secret practices: to get all top activities going, serious consultation is needed. Unfortunately, this is often difficult because beers are poured generously down the throat. This automatically means a longer meeting. But that cannot be stopped. In fact, during the meeting, the atmosphere only builds. The pinnacle of atmosphere is reached during 'mexxing'. Most people know this game, of course, but this is different when you enter the Akcie. Tensions run high, adrenaline rushes through the body and alcoholic beverages are consumed at a rapid pace. This stimulates the creativity of the mind and keeps us young and the organization as oiled as a fast car.
Does this sound exactly like something for you? Or do you have a great idea for an Akcie activity? Send us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or send an app to our beloved Member Board Commissioner Internal affairs and also Akcie chairman Nienke Buist.
Akcie of “De Veetelers”
Don't be a boar, party some more!
Nienke Buist - Voorzitter
Lieke Smits - Secretaris
Iris Hoogerbrugge - Treasure
Anniek Oldenziel
Marnix Stokman
Eva Lammers
Chantal Koolen