During the MSc-programme you have the possibility to take an internship within the country or abroad. Each year an internship information evening is organized by the Internship information committee (in Dutch known as Sticie). The evening consists of several presentations about internships, presented by students, and extra information concerning the program of the last BSc year and the MSc-programme. Next to this evening, the Sticie publishes a guidebook every year, which can function as reference book in preparation for an internship.

For more information and questions, please feel free to contact the Internship information committee 'Sticie' (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or the programme director, Mr. Kwakkel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

StiCie stands for internship information evening committee. Sticie organises the annual internship information evening, and consists of 3 students. The internship information evening takes place once a year in March or April. During this evening, three students who have completed or are completing their internship will give a presentation on their internship and the procedure leading up to it.

If you think this could be something for you, please contact Board Member Education Commissioner II

StiCie 2024 consists of:

Noëmi Poldervaart

Annika Rijlaarsdam

Sanne van den Bergh

DEC stands for Direction Educational Committee, as the name already states DEC is the education committee of "De Veetelers". DEC consists of approximately eight students of different years (BSc and MSc) who are committed to improving education. DEC has a lunchmeeting every other week on Monday afternoon. In such a meeting, subjects such as course evaluations (PaCe), thesis surveys, PC-AS proposals, and suggestions / complaints from students about educational matters are discussed.


The opinion of DEC, and therefore also yours, will be communicated in the monthly PC-AS meeting. The specializations of the Animal Sciences program are represented in the PC-AS, together with five student members, three of whom come from DEC. During the rigro, the most important developments from the PC-AS are discussed every month. You will find a Program Committee (PC) for every educational programma, because it is required by law. To keep everyone well informed about everything that is going on in the field of education, a report is published every month in 'De Veeteler' under the heading "Educational Affairs". Since 'De Veeteler' can also be found on this website, the state of affairs of Animal Sciences education is accessible to everyone. This piece is therefore a must for anyone who wants to follow the developments!


Of course, students can always turn to one of the DEC members if they have questions or complaints about educational matters. Despite the serious nature of this committee, the atmosphere during and around the meetings is always very pleasant. So, if you think this committee is something for you, please feel free to contact one of the persons below or send an email to DEC: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 DEC also has a tutoring network for and by students. We have seen that there are few or no possibilities at the university for extra help with the subjects where you may need it. We are always looking for students who want to tutor or, of course, who want to receive tutoring. Our question to you is therefore:


Do you know or are you someone who can use tutoring?

Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Are you someone who wants to help fellow students out by providing tutoring?

Fill in this link or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will let you know when a student needs your tutoring.


In this way, we will bring people into contact with each other.


Lysanne Obbink (Onderwijscommissaris I)

Reza van Welie (Onderwijscommissaris II)

Aukje Krist

Sigrid Bokma

Ariadni Diamantopoulou

Hugo Garstenveld

Fenna van Heijst 

Danique Jansen


The Student for a day Committee of Study association “De Veetelers” organizes each year five activities for high school students who are thinking about studying Animal Sciences. The days are designed to give you a good impression of the life of a student of Animal Sciences. So you will follow a lecture, a practical and you will be giving a tour in Carus to show multiple sides of the Bachelor program.

Become a Student for a day of Animal Sciences is a so-called collective 'meeloopdag'. This means that you follow a presentation, a practical and a lecture in a group on the Wageningen campus. The follow-up days are further filled in with other fun activities that have to do with the Animal Sciences study or with student life in Wageningen. There is also a possibility to participate individually with an Animal Sciences student throughout the year. Through the following website you can sign up for this: Walk along with a student - WUR

During the Student for a day Activity, we try to give a good impression of the study, by addressing subjects that are up to date and are going a little bit deeper into the matter in the lectures. 

Each year there are lots of enthusiastic students who subscribe for the student for a day activity who meet again in their first study-year. It is a good way to learn more about the study, but also your fellow students-to-be. There are also students who already know they are going to study Animal Sciences who come to this day, just to get a taste of the real Veetelers-atmosphere.

 So if you consider studying Animal Sciences, sign up for the Student for a day Activity! Please note: there is one online orientation day per year for international students. Register on Student for a day - Animal Sciences - WUR


Greetings from the Student for a day Committee,

Daan de Kort (contactperson)

Fleur Meiberg


Kurt Lohuis

Sanne Konijn

Jenny Born 

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