From the beginning of times, when Study association “De Veetelers” was founded, in 1962, people were already familiar with morality and decency. However, this could only be witnessed during very delicate special occasions throughout the year, occasions where people exchanged their work wear, clogs and boots for a fancy smoking or elegant dress, under which pointy shoes, pumps and high heels are worn. Such an unique appearance can only be defined by one special occasion, exactly, the gala!
Also this year a gala is going to take place, where fancy dance moves may be shown and everyone gets to take out their best outfit from their closet. However, this year will be different than you are probably used to. As this year the committee will consist of a so-called integration between Study association “De Veetelers” and the Study association of the study programme biosystems engineering, Heeren XVII.
Some female Veetelers were already known with the masculine beauties of Heeren XVII (and vice versa), however if you have not yet, then this year will be perfect to get to learn each other and maybe find the love of your life!
As the preparations of Galacie 2024 are coming along smoothly, we dare to announce that the gala is going to take place somewhere in the spring of 2024! If you have any nice ideas that may help to bring this gala to an even bigger success, then don’t hesitate to contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are already looking forward to the gala and hope to see you all in the spring of 2024!
Galacie 2024
Annemie Lukkes – Chairwoman (Heeren XVII)
Anke van Mierlo – Secretary (“De Veetelers”)
Dirk van Ditshuizen – Treasurer (Heeren XVII)
Wiebe Kemp – Treasurer (“De Veetelers”)
Maud Janssen – Head sponsoring (Heeren XVII)
Iris Hoogerbrugge – Head sponsoring (“De Veetelers”)