You can find useful documents at this page, like a financial statement, calling help, concept contract, minute guidelines, treasurer guidelines and a format collection list.

 Calling help document


Concept sub-sponsorcontract 


Financial statement 


Incasso format 


Minute guidelines


Treasure guidelines 


Format Reservation Practical Room   


Format Reservation Room Download

CAS application form Download
















Hi everyone,

My name is Wendy Scholten and I am 21 years old, and I’m currently in the first year of the Master Animal Sciences. I come from Balkbrug, a small village near Zwolle and I’ve loved animals since I was a little girl. Since my parents have a pig farm, I’ve always been surrounded by animals, not only with pigs but also with rabbits, cats, dogs and horses. Because I wanted to become a vet but wasn’t accepted, I started with the study Animal Sciences. I really liked the bachelor and even now that I finished the Minor, I’m planning on combining Animal Sciences with Veterinary medicine. Besides studying, I like to draw, Netflix, crochet, or hang out with friends. I like to be busy, be it with committees or with my studies and now of course with the board and education. I always try to get the most out of my time as a student in this way and hope that as Education Commissioner II, I will get the chance to improve the program, where necessary, so that everyone can get the most out of their time as a student of Animal Sciences.

Kind regards,



Study association "De Veetelers" has its own song. It is in Dutch and tells you who Veetelers are and what they do:

· Live in Wageningen
· Love animals
· Party
· Drink beer
· Work at Zodiac
· Love the country in stead of the city
· Are lead by a Board
· Have a lot of committees and sub-associations
· Can sing very good

It was composed in 2004 during a Board Weekend. It was recorded in a professional studio.  The result can be heared on the website. Click here (MP3) to sing the song loud and clear.

(text: Virago Phobia; music: B. de Groot, L. Nijgh)
melody: Land van Maas en Waal


Tussen twee hoge bergen,
in het Wageningse land,
zie je feestende studenten,
met een biertje in de hand.
Wat is dat toch voor 'n volkje,
ze drinken allemaal
en raken soms verstrikt in hun eigen dierentaal.
De koeien, varkens, kippen en de vissen zijn de klos,
want in de buurt van deze beesten komt een Vééééételer pas los.

We brengen onze tijd op het Zodiac door.
Uiteindelijk ingenieur, daar gaan we allen voor.
Ontspanning in de kroeg, wat later op de dag.
Dat is óók iets wat je van ons verwachten mag.


Zalk, Zijtaart, Breugel en ook van Goerree,
Daar komen we vandaan, maar daar zitten wij niet mee.
De geur van de provincie dat doet ons allen goed.
Das beter dan dat stadse, want dat zit niet in ons bloed.


Aan het hoofd van deze meute, staat het Bestuur.
Die behoren te blijven tot het laatste uur.
Ze krijgen erg veel hulp uit het veetelersland.
Commissies en clubjes, zijn hun rechterhand.

Dit is het lied voor de veeteeltstudent.
Hiermee kun je zien, of je een echte bent.
Kun je niet zingen, brul dan maar mee.
Als je veel geluid maakt vinden wij het snel oké.



Do you want to become a member of the Veetelers? Stop by at the Veetelersroom (A0111) at Zodiac or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In Zodiac, there are forms available to subscribe. Do not forget to put the form in the box!

Are you curious about what Veetelers articles are for sale? The Promcom has a nice assortment, where you can find something you like! You can choose nice articles for yourself, or gifts to give to your friends!

If you are interested in one or more of these items, feel free to contact someone from the Promcom or the board or send them a message.


  • Would you like to throw your warm shoes out on hot summer days? For 2,- these slippers are yours.
  • Is your bicycle bell stolen? Or did it not last? The one and only Veetelers bicycle bell is only 1,50.
  • A nice game of cards with your friends cannot be successful without a Veetelers card game. Available for only € 2,50.