Do you want to deregister as Member of "De Veetelers"?

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First-year and what to do?

When you start studying Animal Sciences at Wageningen University, you will hear of "De Veetelers". "De Veetelers" is a study association for students of Animal Sciences. The study association offers a perfect place for you to get to know your fellow students, make fun and explore your fields of interest. The study association is originally a Dutch association, but in recent years it changed a lot. Since the Bachelor of Animal Sciences is taught in English, the study association adopted the English language. Still, the Dutch roots are visible in daily life. Nowadays, there are more and more international students interested in the study association. This will change the culture within the association as well in a positive way. Feel free to seek contact with board members or other members to guide you through the association! 


Study Association

"De Veetelers" is managed by the board, they ensure that everything runs smoothly. The committees are positioned under the board, they themselves take care of activities such as sporting events, parties, symposia, meetings, annually almanack and much more ...

So, such a study association is actually very useful. It gives you a discount on the purchase of study books, you mix with students from the higher and lower years and it is completely without any obligation. In addition, "De Veetelers" is known as the most active study association in Wageningen with currently more than 500 members!



Committees are the ideal place to orient yourself within the study association. For example, De Redactie (Dutch for editorial office), which is a committee that writes and publishes the magazine "De Veeteler" every month. A number of students sit together every week and discuss. Besides this committee, there are much more!



"De Veetelers" also has a number of sub-associations, which are smaller associations within the association. You can also join them. The sub-associations are further specialized in a specific sector. For example, Aquarius, which is a sub-association specialized in aquaculture and fisheries. The sub-association provides excursions and educational activities in their sector. An excellent opportunity for you to participate in such an activity, so you get to know which animals of certain interest you. Feel free to look around at all associations. The associations consist of enthusiastic members!


If you are in the first year (or second) and you are interested in a committee, please fill in this form or email/whatsapp the Commissioner Internal Affairs of the Board, Nienke Buist.


Commissioner Internal Affairs  Nienke Buist
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
+31 6 30 40 97 48


Study advisor  Inge Palm
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone +31 31 74 86 191






Privacy statement Study association “De veetelers”


Name:                 Study Association “De Veetelers”

Address:              De Elst 1, 6708 WD Wageningen

E-mail:                This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel:                     0317-483984

KvK:                    40122034

2.      Personal data:

As a study association, we* collect certain personal data, to be able to execute our agreements. In this chapter we elaborate on which personal data we collect and from whom, what we use the personal data for, who has access to the personal data, with whom we share personal data and how we protect the personal data.

*: ‘we’ refers to the person or group responsible for keeping and handling the personal data. This is further explained in chapter 2.3. ‘Who has access to personal data?’.

2.1. What personal data do we collect and what is it used for?

In the table below the personal data we keep for what purposes are listed. It also states from who we keep this data and what purposes apply to which groups of people. The meanings of the superscripts are mentioned below the table.

Which data?

For what?

Name and address a,b,c,d,e

Distribution of our monthly magazine ‘De Veeteler’ a,b,c,d.

Distribution of invitations for the Almanac Ceremony a,b,c,d.

Distribution of Christmas cards a,b,c,d,e.

Distribution of invitations for the Board Change Drinks e.

Name and e-mail address a,b,c,d,e,g

Distribution of our weekly newsletter a.

Distribution of invitations for the Board Change Drinks a,e.

Contact for association purposes** a,b,c,d,g.

Personal account on the website ( a.

Name and Telephone number a,b,c,d,f,g

Placement in the colofon of ‘De Veeteler’ f.

Contact for association purposes** a,b,c,d,g.

Name and Bank account a,c,g

Collection of the yearly contribution for  study association “De Veetelers” and its sub-associations a,g.

Collection of participation costs of activities from committees and sub-associations of study association “De Veetelers” and study association “De Veetelers” a,g.

Collection of the yearly grants of donation c.

Name, Address, E-mail address and Telephone number a

Placement in the contact list within the yearly Almanac a.

Pictures and videos taken at activities from study association “De Veetelers” a,b,c,d,e,g

Placement in the Almanac, ‘De Veeteler’, on flyers and posters, on the website ( and on social media accounts from study association “De Veetelers” a,b,c,d,e,g.


Name, WUR account and Registration number a

Activation of discount on study books a.


**: Examples of association purposes are; recruitment for committees and the Board of study association “De Veetelers”, internal communication to ensure adequate execution of tasks by committees and sub-associations of study association “De Veetelers”, contact about sponsorships or continuation of donorship and invitations for activities that are not listed separately in the table above.

a: Members of study association “De Veetelers”.

b: Honorary members of study association “De Veetelers”.

c: Donors of study association “De Veetelers”.

d: Sponsors of study association “De Veetelers”.

e: Previous members of the Board of study association “De Veetelers”.

f: Members of study association “De Veetelers” that are in a committee, the board of a sub-association or the board of study association “De Veetelers”.

g: Members of sub-associations of study association “De Veetelers”.

 2.2. How long do we keep personal data?

The personal data is kept until membership, donorship or sponsorship of study association “De Veetelers” is ended. Personal data from members of study association “De Veetelers” is deleted after graduation of the studies MAM or MAS. Personal data from graduates from the study BAS is deleted when the person in question does not proceed their study with either MAM or MAS. One exception applies for this rule; personal data from previous members of the Board of study association “De Veetelers” is kept until five years after officially leaving the Board, independent of the graduation of this person.

2.3. Who has access to personal data?

The personal data from members, honorary members, donors, sponsors and previous members of the Board are kept by the Board of study association “De Veetelers”. All members of the Board of study association “De Veetelers” have access to this data. Personal data from members of sub-associations of study association “De Veetelers” are kept by the board of that specific sub-association.

2.4. With whom do we share personal data?

For several purposes we use the personal data. The personal data is shared with groups other than the keeper of the personal data. In this case the handler of the personal data differs from the keeper of the personal data. In the table below, the purposes we share personal data for, the group or authority we share the personal data with and which personal data we share are listed.


What data?

For what?

With whom?

Name and address

Distribution of our monthly magazine ‘De Veeteler’ and distribution of the Almanac

The printer of ‘De Veeteler’ and the almanac, the ‘Almanakcie’ and the ‘Redactie’. The ‘Redactie’ is the committee responsible for making and distributing the monthly magazine ‘De Veeteler’.

Name and Telephone number

Placement in the colofon of ‘De Veeteler’ and the Almanac

Pictures and videos taken at activities from study association “De Veetelers”

Placement in the Almanac, ‘De Veeteler’, on the website ( and on social media accounts from study association “De Veetelers”.

The ‘Almanakcie’, the ‘Redactie’ and the ‘Internetcie’. These committees are responsible for placement of pictures in the Almanac, on the website, in ‘De Veeteler’ and on the social media accounts from study association “De Veetelers”.
The printer of the almanac and ‘De Veeteler’.

Name, WUR account and Registration number

Activation of discount on study books.

The WUR.

2.5. How do we take care of personal data?

The application used for access to the personal data is only accessible via login. The personal data is kept in an application by Mendix (low-code software platform, red.) and is managed according to certification and a processor agreement. A processor agreement is signed with the WUR, which ensures careful handling and good protection of the personal data by them.

2.6. Right to inspect and correct.

All persons that we keep personal data from have the right to inspect, correct and demand deletion of the personal data we keep. When deletion of required personal data is demanded, the membership of the study association ends.