Since June of 2022 "De Veetelers" has a sorority: Vitulus Cervisia. The goal of this sorority is to lower the threshold for female members to participate in activities and improving the integration between different study years.

After the establisment with the seven original members, the sorority is bound to grow each year with new members. Through out the year, we will mainly organise for our own sorority members, but also activities for all Veetelers. We also would like to contribute to other activities of "De Veetelers" by helping out where necessary, for instance with by tapping beer at Board changes.

If you need help with something or want to know more about Sorority Vitulus Cervisia, please contact us via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!

With purple regards

Hannah Koskamp

Rosan Valk


Noémie Poldervaart 

Voorbeeld van afbeelding


The FCC, or Financial Control Committee, has been founded to build a bridge between Members and financial pieces of multiple entities. Adding to that, the FCC is an extra checking entity that makes sure the association remains financially healthy. In this manner, the association will become better and better, and this all is accomplished under the enjoyment of a cup of coffee and an hour interaction with nice and motivated Members!

If you think that this could be something for you, contact Board Member Treasurer!


Kind regards,

Financial Control Committee 2025: 'Where everybody counts'

Fleur Gorissen - Contactperson

Annika Rijlaarsdam

Arjen Peters

Daan de Kort

Doortje Verspagen

Your first year at university is exciting! However, you have to get used to a new way of education while also forming new friendships in an unknown city. To help with intergrading, the Freshmencie organises fun activities for all the firstyear Animal Sciences students.

The Freshmencie consists of five firstyears and two student-mentors, who will organise all kinds of activities for the firstyears. Each year, a new Freshmencie is chosen from the new firstyears.

As Freshmencie 2023-2024 we hope that you are all excited to join our activities :)

Roar, Adapt, Explore!


Lieke Smits


Dieuwke Dillingh


Benthe Aalderink


Roos Beuzenberg


Vera Tanger


Rosalie de Koning


Wessel Kok






 A Study association such as "De Veetelers" can obviously not miss a magazine that is filled with all the latest news of the association, reports on excursions, in depth interviews and much more! Since 1968 the 'De Veeteler' provides its members for over 50 years of readable enjoyment. Ten times a year a new issue finds its way to the members. This obviously doesn't happen on its own: every month the Redactie works hard to release a new unique and beautiful copy. 
Do you have any suggestions for 'De Veeteler'? Are you writing an interesting thesis? Are you going to study abroad? Or do you have a weird hobby, a nice farm/company at home or a special room in Wageningen? Let us know and who knows, you might be in the next 'De Veeteler'! You can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!


Rixt Kremers - Contact person 

Bijs Manders

Antje Waal

Nathalie Roeterdink

Lieke Jansen

Merel van Meteren

The association consists of a number of committees. These can also be found in the menu, but they are also arranged below!

If you are interested in a committee or if you would like to take a look at what a committee is, please fill out this form  or contact the Commissioner Internal Affairs, Nienke Buist.

Commissioner Internal Affairs Nienke Buist
Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Phone +31 6 30 40 97 48