Job description ICAR Wiki


ICAR, the International Committee for Animal Recording, is the leading global provider of Guidelines, Standards and Certification for animal identification, animal recording and animal evaluation.

ICAR Guidelines

The ICAR Guidelines attempt to provide the world-wide farm livestock recording sector with detailed standards and guidelines representing the state-of-the-art for the full range of activities involved in the identification, performance recording and evaluation of farm livestock.

The ICAR guidelines consists of 21 Sections, describing different items of animal recording. The ICAR guidelines are currently displayed as PDF documents on the ICAR web site. ICAR is in the process of turning the PDF documents into Wiki pages. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) have been agreed about style and format to use. The first Sections have been moved to the ICAR Wiki page.

We are looking for a student who could support us in turning the current ICAR Guideline PDF documents into Wiki.

Competencies required

  • Basic computer knowledge (Word, Excel, PDF).

  • Basic understanding of livestock production and livestock recording.

  • Good understanding of the Wiki concept.

  • Working accurately.

  • Excellent written English.

  • Approximate work load 20 – 30 days. The job has to be finished before September 1st.

  • job can partially be done at home and at the ICAR office in Utrecht

    The ICAR guidelines can be found on: The ICAR Wiki page can be found on

    For more information, please contact:

    René van der Linde E Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.
    T +31 6 1256 2536